Walk on the Wild Side

Dreams, the Daimonic and the Dionysian in Person-centred Therapy
An experiential and theoretical workshop
Internationaler Workshop in englischer Sprache, veranstaltet vom Institut APG•IPS
13.09.2019 17:00 - 14.09.2019 18:00
APG•IPS Personzentriertes Zentrum Carl Rogers


Informed by classic and contemporary person-centred theory as well as current philosophy, we will investigate through dyad work, group work and discussion these three areas that have been arguably neglected in PCT.
Dreams traditionally the province of psychoanalytic/psychodynamic therapy – can be explored phenomenologically and linked to PC theory rather than being interpreted.
The Daimonic is any natural function which can invade the person. It is essential to human experience. To be overwhelmed by the daimonic opens the door to psychosis; to suppress it leads us to apathy, or the absence of pathos – i.e., suffering, passion and ‘pathology’. Existential approaches have rationalized the Daimonic, while Jungian analysis has understood it in terms of archetypes. What can PCT offer?
The Dionysian is closely linked to the Daimonic, with one fundamental difference: it cannot be rationalized away or purified through catharsis but requires embracing the tragic joy of existence, the person’s identification with the wider domain of organismic experiencing.

Manu Bazzano is a psychotherapist, supervisor, visiting lecturer at Roehampton University. He facilitates men’s groups as well as workshops on Zen and Phenomenology in the UK and abroad. He has a background in philosophy and rock music and is the author and editor of several books. He studied Eastern contemplative practices since 1980 and in 2004 was ordained in the Soto and Rinzai traditions of Zen Buddhism. www.manubazzano.com.

Konsekutive deutsche Übersetzung.

Manu Bazzano
Freitag, 13. September 2019, 17.00 - 21.00 und Samstag, 14. September 2019, 09.00 - 18.00
€ 220,00 für APG•IPS Kandidat*innen, Mitglieder und Teilnehmer*innen des APG-Propädeutikums, Student*innen der SFU und der Bertha von Suttner-Universität, sonst € 290,00. Zahlungen bitte bis 10. September 2019.
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Fachspezifikum 15 Stunden Wahlpflicht Theorie d, Propädeutikum: 15 Stunden Selbsterfahrung. Im Sinne des Psychotherapiegesetzes und der Fort- und Weiterbildungsrichtlinie des Bundesministeriums (Fortbildungsverpflichtung) mit 15 Stunden anrechenbar


APG•IPS Personzentriertes Zentrum Carl Rogers

1150 Wien, Diefenbachgasse 5/2

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